Synthesis Organics was launched in 2015, founded by Theme Rains, inspired by decades of study, practice, and teaching in the Healing Arts, both in Australia and internationally. I like to describe it as ‘the heart’ expressed through skincare, and see it as a vehicle for sharing all the healing influences that have touched and shaped my life.
For the sake of our health and wellbeing, we need to nourish our skin with all it needs to function at its best, and not burden it with more toxins to eliminate. I realised even ‘natural’ or ‘chemical free’ skincare still carries the residue of the pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic toxins to which non-organically grown ingredients are exposed to.
I truly believe just by changing our skincare regime we can make a huge difference to our health and quality of life. May you find a quiet moment each day to be nurtured and uplifted by Synthesis Organics products, created to nourish not only your skin but your whole being. My inspiration is to support everyone touched by our products to shine their Light, Love, Beauty, and Spirit all the brighter.”